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Bad Breath Facts

Bad breath is something many people suffer from. It is quite the inconvenience that can put a damper on people’s lives, especially their social lives. If you’re one of these people, our dentists, Drs. Birch and Jones, would like to give you some facts about bad breath. The more you know about bad breath, the more you know about how to treat it. Those bad breath facts are:

-Bad breath can be caused by many different things, like the things you eat, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, tobacco use, dry mouth and improperly cleaned oral appliances, like retainers, braces and dentures.

-Typically, improving your oral hygiene routine can help improve your breath. However, it won’t help if you have periodontal disease or if you use tobacco products. You will need to see your dentist for treatment and you will need to quit using tobacco.

-Sipping on water throughout the day can help improve your bad breath. This is because it can wash odorous food particles and bacteria away. It can also help you prevent dry mouth.

-Cleaning your tongue can help improve your bad breath because it removes the bacteria from the surface. So, brush your tongue after you brush your teeth or use a tongue scraper.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about bad breath in Green River, Wyoming, please contact Birch Family Dental today at 307-875-3658. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you, so please call our office now!

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